Our environment

Cabo de Gata

Enjoy an everlasting summer in a unique place of great environmental diversity

A unique place by the sea

Cabo de Gata-Níjar has 30 miles of the most preserved cliff coast along the European Mediterranean coastal. It is in this impressive coastal façade with such steep cliffs that urban beaches like San José and Aguamarga take place; magnificent natural beaches, such as Mónsul and Los Genoveses; remote and almost unreachable small bays, like Carnaje and Enmedio; and spectacular volcanic and reef cliffs, such as Punta de los Muertos and Mesa Roldán.

Besides, this area also has a semiarid climate with light rain and limited water resources, producing weak and poorly developed soils that, however, are home to one of the most extraordinary flora of the European continent, with more than 1.000 exclusive species.

One of its most significant features is its civilised character. Many abandoned country houses, as well as waterwheels, wells and mills (declared an Asset of Cultural Interest) become a part of the landscape and witness a lost culture that remains connected to a traditional use of natural resources.

The improvement of infrastructures towards a sustainable development model and the variety of activities (diving, bicycle touring, etc.) show the visitor the wealth of this natural space.

Visiting the fishing neighbourhood (on La Isleta del Moro), admiring the matchless beauty of Playa de los Muertos or peering over the amazing cliffs of Los Escullos are some of the unique experiences offered by this exceptional environment.