Casas Cueva del Tío Tobas
Experience new sensations in a unique stay
Would you like to live a unique experience? Dare enjoy the nature with all your senses and try out a different kind of tourism and leisure. Here you can feel silence, peace, calm, beauty and traditional, natural tastes. Return to the cave to benefit from an ancient practice.
El Pozo
La Prensa
El Tonel
La Ragua
El Carro
El Jaráiz
A colourful landscape
A rural resort inside a natural environment
Our rural resort is a natural shelter to get away from stressful, modern life and get in touch again with nature and life itself in a comfortable, family atmosphere. Our facilities have all that is necessary to offer you a haven of peace and a genuine experience for all your senses.
Live and experience new sensations by staying in a unique place
Comments from our guests
Testimonies of our main mission: your happiness
"A great discovery"
We had another place in mind, but we stopped to have lunch and decided to stay. Never had we been inside a cave and it was a wonderful discovery. The cave houses are a delight in summer, when we were there. They are very cool. It’s a luxury to take a nap there. They are really peaceful and you can sleep like a baby. The price is truly good and not expensive at all. There’s no doubt we’ll repeat again!
"It was indeed a pleasure!"
The direct contact with nature, the tranquillity in the air and everything is just close to the highway. We could bring our dog with us and for free, cool! The staff were more than lovely, always attentive and helping us with anything they could. We stayed in a studio, with everything we needed. We will repeat as soon as we can make it, because it’s really worth it.
"They made me feel at home"
This is the ideal place to get away in front of a fireplace, rest from the stress of the city in their quite, cosy, rural caves, which are filled with details. There are an endless number of activities to do in the area, such as getting lost among its castles or incomparable views to Sierra Nevada. The staff make you feel at home.
A whole range of possibilities
Rest, relax and much more…
The adventurous instinct comes to light among valleys and mountains. Enjoy an ancient land full of archaeological sites castles, caves and historical places. Take over the territory in our natural parks and enjoy the tribal spirit by walking round centenarian roads crossing rivers, forests and millenary cliffs.
Practica esta actividad en un entorno incomparable para descubrir a pie la belleza de Sierra Nevada y el Geoparque de Granada.
Practise this activity within an incomparable environment and discover Sierra Nevada and its surroundings just walking.
Una nueva propuesta de ocio donde harás tu propio pan y queso. Recupera actividades de antaño y conoce el Trogloditismo.
A brand-new leisure proposal to make your own bread and cheese. Revive some activities from the past and meet Cave-dwelling.
Nuestras burritas
Podrás acariciar o dar de comer a nuestras dos burritas y conectar con este animal tan dócil, cariñoso y protegido.
Donkey ride
You can take a ride on our two donkeys and connect with such a docile, loving, protected animal.
Rutas ecuestres
Descubre nuestros rincones más especiales a lomos de un caballo y experimenta la conexión con estos animales.
Equestrian routes
Discover our most singular hideouts on horseback and experience your connection to these animals.
Una experiencia gastronómica de ecoturismo diferente: disfruta de nuestro huerto ecológico
A different eco-tourism gastronomic experience: Enjoy our eco-friendly orchard.
Bodega de vino
Acércate a visitar nuestras bodegas y degustar del sabor de los excelentes vinos elaborados en nuestra tierra.
Wine cellar
Come visit our wine cellars and enjoy the excellent wines produced in our very own land.
Markmanship workshop
Become a true archer and bring this millenary practice to the present inside our rural complex.
Visitas culturales
Para los amantes de la historia y la cultura, ofrecemos variadas opciones de turismo cultural con muchos museos.
Cultural visits
For those who love history and culture, we offer several options of cultural tourism with many museums.
Rutas históricas
Itinerarios histórico-culturales para descubrir la huella humana y la historia de nuestros antepasados.
Historical routes
Historical-cultural itineraries to discover the traces of human beings and the history from our ancestors.
4×4 routes
Explore in a 4x4 car the incredible bad-lands, the most arid, peculiar areas in the country.
Rutas en 4×4
Descubre en 4X4 los increíbles bad-lands del Geoparque de Granada.
Nieve y esquí
Si eres aventurero y disfrutas el invierno, a 20 minutos de Tío Tobas encontrarás un paraíso de ocio y nieve.
Snow and ski
If you are an adventurous person who enjoys winter, just 20 minutes from to Tío Tobas you will find a paradise of leisure and snow.
Ride in a hot-air balloon
Fly high and explore the diversity of our region from a bird’s eye view and reaching the sky.
Vuelo en globo
Súbete a las alturas y descubre la diversidad de nuestra comarca a vista de pájaro y rozando el cielo.
Todos los fines de semana podrás sentir las vibraciones del flamenco en nuestra comarca.
Feel the vibrations from flamenco in our region every weekend.
If you feel like practising proactive tourism, we can offer a variety of proposals whether it is with your friends, family or colleagues from work.
Experiences packs
Choose what sensation you want to experience and we will wrap it up for you
Whether you are a lone wolf, a hopeless romantic or the family type. Whether you are an adventurer or settled down. Whether you are one of those who enjoy history and culture or rather sport or gastronomy… Cuevas Tío Tobas suggests experiences for all publics with something in common: take pleasure in nature easily and wisely.
Escapada romántica en la naturaleza
Fúndete con la naturaleza en pareja
Vive la experiencia de sentir en pareja los placeres que te regala la naturaleza. Párate a disfrutar, contemplar y celebrar el amor y la vida.
A romantic getaway in nature
Get involved with nature with you significant other
Have the experience of getting the most out of what nature gives you with your significant other. Take a break to gaze at it, enjoy and celebrate love and life.
Experiencia gastronómica
Disfruta del sabor de lo auténtico
Vive la experiencia de degustar los sabores de los hornos de leña, de las parrilladas, y los auténticos sabores de la gastronomía arábico-Andaluza.
A gastronomic experience
Enjoy the real thing
Live the experience of tasting the flavours from our land and enjoy the true pleasures of life.
El encanto de los Bad Lands en 4×4
Surca áridos caminos sobre 4 ruedas
Vive la experiencia de conducir un 4x4 por los terrenos más escarpados de nuestra región. Adrenalina y aventura en estado puro.
The charm of the Bad Lands in a 4×4 car
Plough through arid roads on 4 wheels
Live the experience of driving a 4x4 car through the most craggy places in our region. Pure adrenaline and adventure.
Hazte aventurero cultural
Descubre de forma activa nuestra historia
Vive la experiencia de convertirte en un aventurero cultural, descubridor de la historia milenaria que nos avala.
Become a culture adventurer
Find out actively about our history
Live the experience of becoming a culture adventurer, an explorer of the millenary history supporting us.
Granada en esencia pura
Descubre y desnuda el alma de Granada
Vive la experiencia de explorar, desnudar y descubrir la esencia de Granada de forma activa y participativa.
Pure Granada
Discover and bare the soul of Granada
Live the experience of exploring, discovering and baring the essence of Granada in an active and participative way.
Experiencia tribal en familia
Revive y refuerza el instinto de la tribu
Vive la experiencia de reforzar tus lazos familiares en plena naturaleza. Un ambiente ideal para la comunicación y diversión familiar.
A tribal family experience
Revive and reinforce your tribal instinct
Live the experience of reinforcing your family ties in wild nature. A perfect environment for communication and family fun.
The wealth of an ancient land
A privileged place inside a colourful environment
Our Cave Houses are in the region of Guadix, a land that possesses a significant cultural and natural legacy. This is a unique place to find the traces of very different civilisations as well as the wealth and diversity of three natural parks, a desert area of an extraordinary beauty or a natural maritime park. An incomparable environment to enjoy with all your senses.